Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Proof of Bigfoot

A while back I posted photos of an object that could only be described as a bigfoot.

Some readers doubted the figure in the photo was actually a wookie. Now I respond with incontrovertible proof that it was.

Scientists in Malaysia have been studying a colony of wookies for 6 years. They are 12 feet tall and are covered in hair. The evidence will be made public soon.


Blogger brad mcpherson said...

Bollocks Shillard! At least Sam Kekovic doesn't write my material and Goatherder's lameass wookie was nothing more than the reflection from a radio station beacon.

21/3/06 13:04  
Blogger goatherder said...

since when does a radio station beacon have fur?

21/3/06 13:51  

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