Friday, March 24, 2006

TV makes old people stupid

A recent US study has shown that elderly women who like talk shows and daytime soaps tend to score more poorly on cognitive tests than those who don't.

I'm wondering whether to interpret this as daytime tv makes you stupid.

But then I read the key paragraph:

According to Fogel, a potential explanation rests in the fact that talk shows and soap operas involve so-called "parasocial relationships," where viewers feel a connection to a show's characters or host. Such shows may, for instance, be better able to hold the attention of older women with some cognitive impairment.

Which can be summarised and then generalised as people who are already stupid watch daytime TV.

Which can be even further neatly generalised into I think daytime TV is shit therefore people who watch it are stupid.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

More proof of Bigfoot

This grainy, inconclusive photo of footprints is further irrefutable proof of the existence of bigfoot.

Why won't you people just believe?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Divine Interventions

In response to the tsunami of new content over at avastyematey, I need to tell you about Divine Interventions.

I'm not really going to tell you. Just go and have a look.

Start here.